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If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. English teacher Barb Koski adjusts a Roman toga on Winston Gletten, who was playing Brutus in Shakespeare's "Julius Casar" Thursday in an English class at Normal Community High School. English teacher Brad Bovenkerk helps Jack Kestian, who plays Caesar, and Emily Henrichs, who plays a soothsayer, with their lines Thursday as students prepare to perform Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" at Normal Community High School. NORMAL Sophomore Emily Henrichs was not looking forward to spending several weeks studying another William Shakespeare play. I thought, 'Ugh!Shakespeare, again?' she said Thursday before the start of her English II class at Normal Community High School. That language it was really hard for us to understand 'Romeo and Juliet' last year. But this year, teachers Barb Koski and Brad Bovenkerk found a way for the students to tune in more while studying "Julius Caesar," which they will resume after this week's spring break. Last week, when Henrichs and her classmates started reading the Bard's play aloud, they did so wearing costumes that the teachers purchased with a $1,500 Beyond the Books educational foundation grant. Henrichs, 16, portrayed a soothsayer, wearing a long, black half circle cape with a hood. Students portraying Julius Caesar, Brutus, Cassius and Marc Antony wore palliums, a garment worn by men in ancient Rome, made by draping a large rectangular cloth. The play's two female characters, Portia wife of Brutus, who was among Caesar's assassins, and Calpurnia, Caesar's wife, wore cuculluses, which are hoods with shoulder capes.

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Neither do the twins, even if Uncle Ignatius was willing to pass it on to them, which he really isn't. If I don't take it, the line will go dormant. " His eyes were pleading as he looked at his friends, especially the ones who were poised to take over as Head of House. "What do you think?I mean, I never really considered this. I didn't think I would ever have a title, and I was all right with that. Should I accept?"Blaise and Neville shared a look, before they turned to Harry. He was the only one who had actually taken over as Head of his House. Blaise would be going to Gringotts with his mother next month, while Frank's recovery had pushed back Neville and Augusta's plan for him to take over at twenty one. Not that any of them were complaining. Susan was the first one to speak. "I'm not sure if I can help at all," she said hesitantly.

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Acting Chief Meade will begin work immediately on an entire review of the Police Department. Over the past month, issues of concern, including questions about both personnel and policies, have been raised by members of the Mount Dora Police Department. Chief Meades previous experience in this type of review, played a significant role in the decision to name him as acting chief, the press release states. On Sunday, LLN reported on a federal lawsuit filed in March by former MDPD Cpl. Jessica Howell Gonzalez alleging violations of Floridas Whistleblower Act, Family Medical Leave Act and the First Amendment. It is unclear if the allegations raised in the lawsuit are some of the issues of concern in the police department. The suit alleges Howell Gonzalez complained of a fellow officer, Ivy Severance, using city time for her personal errands and it being a chronic issue. Howell Gonzalez complained to a MDPD sergeant, who always advised her he was told to leave Ofc. Severance alone at the instruction of then Deputy Chief Robert Bell, who later became the MDPD police chief, the lawsuit states. According to the lawsuit, Howell Gonzalez met with Bell who was then the acting chief and raised the issues regarding Severance using city time to perform personal errands and incurring overtime for which she was not entitled. In response, Bell became aggressive and moved close to Howell and told her that Severance spends more time at MDPD than anyone, and that he takes his daughter to school while at work and asked Howell if she was also accusing him of stealing time, the complaint states.

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